Spain 2023

This was a family holiday trip. But there is always room for adventure and to search for Herpetofauna.
I want to show my family everything what lifes in nature and I let my family experience all that nature has to offer.
Our vacation consisted of relaxing on the beach, snorkeling, sniffing culture, adventure and herping.
First it was time for relaxing on the beach and snorkling.

Snorkeling at Cala Mendia

Showing an octopus to the family.

In the evening of 4th of may we have spotted a roadkill. I pulled over my vecihle and I saw what I was already afraid of...
The freshly killed animal was unfortunately a Hermann's Tortoise. This was one of the two species I need to photograph this trip.
So the next morning we went back to the roadkill and searched for life in the surrounding fields.
At first we have spotted many Tortoise tracks but no Tortoises. Maby it was already to hot..
We spotted a few Moorish Gecko's on different olive trees and a few Algerian Psammodromus in the fields.
For me it was new and a surprise to spot Algerian Psammodromus on Mallorca.
But my goal was to search for Totoises. Our patience was tested and a few hours later rewarded with a beautifull subadult male.
The Tortoise was having a delicious breakfast, consisting of grass and weeds.
After photographing this beauty we had to replace the Tortoise in a nearby protected field so it does not become a roadkill.

The roadkill.

Moorish Gecko couple (Tarentola mauritanica mauritanica)

Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica mauritanica)

Algerian Psammodromus (Psammodromus algirus)

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni)

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni)

Replacing the Hermann’s Tortoise